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Yusufoglu HS, Alam A, Al-Howeemel A. Pharmacognostic and Preliminary Phytochemical Standardization of Tamarixaphylla and Ziziphusnummulariagrowing in Saudi Arabia. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):42-46.
Sarkar AKumar. Phytosociological Studies of Tree Vegetation of Moraghat Forest Range ,India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(3):217-220.
Chowdhury A, Chowdhury M, Das APrasad. Polygonum Hastatosagittatum Makino (Polygonaceae): A New Distributional Record for India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):39-41.
Sahare HA, Singh SChavan Alk, Bhanderi SLChawla. Post Storage Physiology and Vase life of low Temperature Stored Tuberose Cut Spikes as Influenced by α-Lipoic Acid and Polyfilm Packaging. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):30-34.
Yusufoglu H, Soliman GA, Abdel-Rahman RF, Tatli-Çankaya I, Alqasoumi SI, , et al.. The Potential Hepatoprotective Activity of Allium paniculatum and Capparisspinosa on Thioacetamide induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):47-53.
Anvarhosseini M, Sani AMohamadi. Production of Multiplex PCR Kit for Fraud Detection in Dairy Products. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):54-58.
Al-Saikhan FI, Abd-Elaziz1 MA, Al-Shdefat RI, . Pulmonary Hypertension Surveillance – Saudi Arabia, 2014. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(2):164-168.
Murugan S, Raj SML. Purification of recombinant fusion proteins carrying foreign antigens. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(2):122-131.
