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Jost RTrevisan, Diniz CLeite, Carmo FSantos do, Dantas M, Gass R, Filho SDavid dos, et al.. Assessment of Physicochemical Parameters of an Anethum graveolens Aqueous Extract and the Effects on the Labeling of Blood Constituents with Technetium-99m. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):1-6.
das Tkumar, ghosh A, chakraborty Skumar. Bio- conversion of the α-linolenic acid (18:3ω3) to long chain -ω3 PUFA’s by detritivore fiddler crab, Uca acuta acuta in the mangrove-estuarine system at Midnapore(East), West Bengal, India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(2):95-10.
Chikwendu JNdirika, Nwamarah JUgo, Uchegbu VA. Evaluation of Effects of Aqueous Extract of Ficus capensis (thunb.) leaves in Adult Albino Rats. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(3):185-188.
Chaudhari APralhad, Thakor NJaswantsin. Extraction of CNSL using screw press. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):71-75.
Chowdhury A, Chowdhury M, Das APrasad. Polygonum Hastatosagittatum Makino (Polygonaceae): A New Distributional Record for India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):39-41.
Chowdhury A, Chowdhury M, Das APrasad. Polygonum Hastatosagittatum Makino (Polygonaceae): A New Distributional Record for India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):39-41.
Sarkar SK, Chakrobarty K, Moitra MN. On regional variability of major soil microarthropod groups at four different edaphic systems in the northern alluvial plains of Bengal, India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(1):65-70.
Salkar K, Suthar A, Chauhan VS, Naik V. Anti-MRSA Activity of Few Indian Medicinal Plants. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(1):73-78.
Darsanaki Rkazemi, Aliabadi MAzizollahi, Chakoosari MMohammad D, Amini A, Alikhani F. Antimutagenic Activity of Probiotic Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus spp. by Ames Test. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(2):142-145.
A. Christina S. Assessing the Clinical Utility of CEA, CA 125 and CA 15.3 in Human Breast Carcinoma: A study among Tamil Women. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(2):107-110.
Khunsap S, Buranapraditkun S, Suntrarachun S, Puthong S, Khow O, Chulasugandha P, et al.. The Effects of Cryptelytrops albolabris, Calloselasma rhodostoma and Daboia siamensis Venoms on Human Cancer Cells. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(1):50-53.
Sarkar S, Chaudhuri S. Evaluation of the Biocontrol Potential of Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Trichoderma viride against Bacterial Wilt of Tomato. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(2):146-151.
Choubisa SLal, Sheikh Z. Giant African Land Snail, Achatina fulica in Udaipur, Rajasthan: A Threat to Biodiversity and Ecosystem. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2013;2(3):279-281.
Guria M, Mitra P, Ghosh T, Salhan R, Singh TAmumachi, Chakrabarti A, et al.. Growth Inhibition of Albino Rats by Ageratum conyzoides Linn. Leaves and the Possible Mechanism involved therein. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(2):127-129.
Chauhan DSingh, Singh VPratap, Mishra S, Tripathi S, Tiwari M, Tomar A. Influence of Fluoride Exposure on Hypothalamic Pitutary Gonadal Axis Hormones and Semen Quality . Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2013;2(3):201-206.
De K, Das S, Bose K, Chakraborty R. Nutritional Status of Rural Bengalee Girls Aged 10-18 Years of Salboni, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2013;2(1):68-72.
