Immobilization of Vigna Mungo β-amylase onto NaCl and NaNO Treated Woven Bombyx Mori Silk Fabrics

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences ,2012,1,2,96-100.
Published:September 2012
Author(s) affiliations:

Kirti Rani Sharma

Assistant Professor II, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Sec-125, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Noida-201303 (UP) INDIA.


Vigna Mungo β-amylase was immobilized onto activated Bombyx mori silk fabric by enrichment with chlorination and treated with sodium nitrate (NaNO3 ) via glutaraldehyde coupling. The immobilization of Vigna Mungo β-amylase onto activated Bombyx mori silk fabrics was excellent by  having 72-84% of retention of enzyme activity. The immobilization optimum conditions such as pH, reaction time, substrate concentration, CaCl2 concentration and temperature were studied. Thermal stability of the enzyme was improved after immobilization which was 72°C as compared to free enzyme (40°C). The optimum substrate concentration and effect of CaCl2 concentration was also carried out. In addition, the immobilized  enzymes had good storage stability and reusability by maintaining 60-70% of its activity after 90-120 days
