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Found 780 results
Balan RPallikkara
Urumbil SKuttiachan
Thomas S
Metagenomics: An Advanced Approach for Endophyte Study and Prospecting
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):599-607.
Maddala M
Lingakari M
Bandi S
Methanolic Leaf Extracts of Certain Plants as Larvicides against Teak skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):61-66.
Nara R
Tripathi A
Sehrawat N
Sehrawat A
Upadhyay SKumar
Malik K
, et al.
Molecular Characterization of a New Bacterial Source of Naringinase as Paenibacillus stellifer RAMCM-44 and Fermentative Production of Naringinase at Shake-Flask Level
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):168-175.
Rahul G
S. Kiran R
J. Devi A
Devi CVenkata Ra
Molecular Structure, Metabolic Pathways and Clinical Relevance of Arginase: A Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):566-575.
Chauhan P
Attri LK
Mycorrhizal Associations in Orchids: A Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):278-286.
Jose JSara
Raj H
Thomas TAnu
Myristica Fragrans: A Potent Antibacterial Agent against Food Borne Pathogens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):133-137.
Saji N
Sujatha DKethareshw
Veeranna B
Navigating Biologics Regulation: A Deep Dive into Australian Compliance
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):9-21.
Kura AM
Pillai TG
Novel Drug Development for Anti-Cholesterol Activity by in silico Analysis: Identification Cholesterol Inhibiting Compounds
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):48-60.
P. Reddy P
V. Rao U
Optimization of Nutrient and Physical Parameters for the Enhanced Dibenzothiophene Desulfurization Activity by Streptomyces sp. VUR PPR 102
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):439-447.
Soumyamol N
Sheeba MJameelabhe
Optimizing Cultivation Techniques and Nutritional Profiles of Selected Brinjal Varieties in Solana
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):414-420.
Kondal S
Attri LK
Orchid Mimicry: Insight into a Fascinating Floral Phenomenon
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):258-265.
Kakkanattu R
Shamil M
Rajesh ADiya Malam
thazhath AThacharupa
Cheruvatta SKeerthana
Pharmacological Management and Diagnostic Challenges in Adult-Onset Still’s Disease
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):881-884.
Nair SSasidharan
Vayalil SRamesan Ve
Sarayu MGopal
Phytochemical Profiling of Bryum argenteum Hedw. and Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw.) Nees.
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):215-220.
Pates MDagcuta
Walag AMark Po
Del Rosario RM
Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Selected Philippine Fruit Peels and Pulps
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):197-203.
Dowara M
Gogoi I
Saikia S
Phytochemical Screening and in vitro Antibacterial Activity of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Leaf Extracts
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):35-39.
Marivignesh R
Hussain MIZahir
Chithaiya P
M. Jameela S
Vijayalakshmi M
Plant Growth Promotion in Solanum lycopersicum through Endophytic bacteria Isolated from Flower of Samanea saman
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):347-352.
Muraleedharan V
Balasubramanian T
Raja K
Preparation of a Forgotten Elixir: Panchagavya and Isolation of GABA Producing Probiotics
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):448-455.
Posadas-Palma G
Castañeda-Antonio MDolores
Portillo-Reyes R
Muñoz-Rojas J
Báez A
Santamaría-Juárez JDeisy
, et al.
Presence of Microplastics and Additives Detected in Digestive Systems of Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Consumed by Humans in Puebla, Mexico
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):630-643.
Ramalingam N
Samath AFarook
Prevention of Red Complex Oral Pathogen Using Phytochemical Derived from Poly Spice Extract an in vitro and in silico Analysis
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):851-859.
Jenifer T
Vasanthakumar M
Manoharan K
Protective Effect of Ethanolic Extracts of Ananas Comosus and Vitis Vinifera Against Glucose Induced Cataract in Isolated Goat Lens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):680-686.
Damasco LAlbasin
Arocha VJean Delga
Quilang EBucag
Damole DMatthew Cu
Miones LBenedict E
Saldo IJay Paspe
Rapid Physicochemical Assessment of Kalawaig Creek in Bukidnon, Philippines
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):176-186.
Shashwathi HSeetharam
Krishnamurthy YLinganaik
Regeneration Status of Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. in Forests of Central Western Ghats, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):813-820.
Sayoo BM
Minare A
Vyas V
Siddiqui S
Reproductive Biology of Two Freshwater Small Indigenous Fishes Securicula gora and Gudusia chapra of Narmada River, Madhya Pradesh
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):723-730.
Raj MPayoor
Philip RSusan
Seasonal Dynamics and Ecological Health of Ullal Lake in Bengaluru North, Karnataka, India Introspected through Limnological Perspective and Physiological Response Assessment on Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):297-307.
San Pascual EC
San Jose MAngelica T
Santos AMarie C
Tinte TJosef E
Trinidad JL
Vidal AAbrianne D
, et al.
Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot regeneration from leaf explants of E. alba on MS medium supplemented with 15.0 mM NAA and 1.0 M BA C-D. Figure 1: Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;14(1):xx-xx.
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