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Study of Acute and Chronic Treatment of Tetracycline on Total Lipid Contents in Various Tissues of Freshwater Mussels, Lamellidens corrianus (Lea) & Parreysia cylindrica (Annandale & Prashad)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2012;1(1):41-44.
Kanan S
Zulfiya S
Hazardous Waste Generation, Impact on Environment and Management: an Observational Survey of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2014;3(1):40-44.
Hassan S
Siddiqui G
Zhao Y
Wang X
Assesment of Organotin Contamination at the Gadani Shipbreaking Yard, Pakistan
. Asian Journal of Bilogical and Life Sciences. 2016;5(1):15-20.
Arabzadeh E
Ghazviny RFotuhi
Zakizadeh H
Eshghy S
Saadatian M
The Effects of Seasonal Changes on Biochemical Changes of some Citrus Species
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2016;5(3):305-311.
Junejo JAli
Singh KH
Islam J
mondal P
Zaman K
Phytochemical Analysis and In vivo Toxicity Evaluation of Green Vegetable Tetrastigma angustifolia (Roxb.) Leaves
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2016;5(2):105-111.
Alam MRehan
Siddiqui PJamal
Hassan S
Abbas A
Akhtar S
Zafar M
, et al.
Fishery characteristics of Portunid Crabs (Scylla serrata) from Two Different Sites Along the Sindh Coast (northern Arabian Sea).
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2018;7(1):8-16.
Ashraf W
Habib A
Zeshan MAhmad
Amin A
Ali S
Mohsin M
, et al.
Field Evaluation and Serological Detection of Potato Leaf Roll Virus in Potato Germplasm
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2020;9(1):15-19.
Ismoilovna TBakhora
Zhumaniyazovna KGuzal
Yuldashevna ZNigora
Bohodirovich SA’zam
o'g'li MAmirjon Mu
Phytopathogenic Micromycetes of Vitis vinifera Grown in Uzbekistan
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2022;11(3):805-810.
San Pascual EC
San Jose MAngelica T
Santos AMarie C
Tinte TJosef E
Trinidad JL
Vidal AAbrianne D
, et al.
Determination of Potential Anti Quorum Sensing Activity of Eleusine indica Ethanolic Crude Extract against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):456-465.
San Pascual EC
San Jose MAngelica T
Santos AMarie C
Tinte TJosef E
Trinidad JL
Vidal AAbrianne D
, et al.
Determination of Potential Anti Quorum Sensing Activity of Eleusine indica Ethanolic Crude Extract against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):456-465.
Zala UJ
Raval JV
Foraging Niche and Food Preference of Selected Insectivorous Birds from Family Monarchidae and Muscicapidae (Passeriformes) in Girnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):395-402.
San Pascual EC
San Jose MAngelica T
Santos AMarie C
Tinte TJosef E
Trinidad JL
Vidal AAbrianne D
, et al.
Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot regeneration from leaf explants of E. alba on MS medium supplemented with 15.0 mM NAA and 1.0 M BA C-D. Figure 1: Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;14(1):xx-xx.
San Pascual EC
San Jose MAngelica T
Santos AMarie C
Tinte TJosef E
Trinidad JL
Vidal AAbrianne D
, et al.
Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot regeneration from leaf explants of E. alba on MS medium supplemented with 15.0 mM NAA and 1.0 M BA C-D. Figure 1: Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;14(1):xx-xx.