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Jamilu MAbubakar
Nanjul GObed
Amina D
Ngozichukwu JBlessing
Martha HBwehafa
Rhoda AOluwanifem
, et al.
Three Coccidiocidal Drugs, Three Different Responses Observed in Broiler Chickens Challenged with Eimeria tenella Oocyst
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2022;11(1):52-60.
Kader AAbdul
Azeez A
Mahjabin A
Babu F
Mikacha FMadathil
Shabeena F
, et al.
Antibacterial Activity of Water Soluble and Fat- Soluble Vitamins against Drug Resistance Clinical Bacteria Klebsiella Pneumonia
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):510-515.
Kader AAbdul
Azeez A
Mahjabin A
Babu F
Mikacha FMadathil
Shabeena F
, et al.
Antibacterial Activity of Water Soluble and Fat- Soluble Vitamins against Drug Resistance Clinical Bacteria Klebsiella Pneumonia
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):510-515.
Shairali SAli
Naik* KNaik Lokes
Avian Species Diversity in Different Habitats of Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):160-171.
Comparative Hematological Profile of Three Species of Schizothorax Group Found in the Streams of Himalayan Region
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):616-621.
S) CIyyanar MD
Pandurangan A
Narayanan S
Santhi K
Nisha HMNilofer
Green Synthesis of AgNP Using Ficus benghalensis Aerial Root and its AchE Inhibiting Property
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):415-421.
S) CIyyanar MD
Pandurangan A
Narayanan S
Santhi K
Nisha HMNilofer
Green Synthesis of AgNP Using Ficus benghalensis Aerial Root and its AchE Inhibiting Property
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):415-421.
Thejashree ABorappa
Naika R
Identification of Bioactive Compounds in Acetone Leaf and Stem-Bark Extracts of Psychotria dalzellii Hook.f. by GC-MS Analysis and Evaluation of in vitro Anti-bacterial Properties
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):499-509.
Dutta M
Gogoi N
Neog B
Lekharu K
Sonowal S
Phukon H
Morphology and Genetic Diversity of Garcinia cowa (Roxb.) in Upper Brahmaputra Valley of Assam
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):80-86.
Upadhyay SKumar
Singh M
Yadav M
Kumar V
Singh R
, et al.
A New Species of Allocreadium Looss, 1900 (Allocreadoidea: Allocreadiidae) in Wallago attu Bloch and Schneider, 1801 (Siluriformes: Siluridae) from Yamuna River at Yamuna Nagar, Haryana
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):112-124.
Praneetha N
T Naidu S
Yadam S
Phytoremediation, Antioxidant, Antimicrobial Activity of Callisia repens Silver Nanoparticles
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):343-351.
.Thulasi M
Janardhana K
Aruna C
M. Naik M
A. Naik G
V. Kiran U
Red Grape Seed Extract (RGSE) declines Neuronal and Oxidative Damage in the Brain Regions of Alzheimer’s Induced Wistar Rats.
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):551-557.
.Thulasi M
Janardhana K
Aruna C
M. Naik M
A. Naik G
V. Kiran U
Red Grape Seed Extract (RGSE) declines Neuronal and Oxidative Damage in the Brain Regions of Alzheimer’s Induced Wistar Rats.
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):551-557.
Nasreen S
Borah GAgni
A Review on the Use of Heteropneustes fossilis and Clarias magur in Assamese Traditional Medicine
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):18-21.
Jayaramappa NThimappa
Nanjegowda RBabu Haroh
Nanjappa R
Manjunath KMudakappa
Antifungal Activity of Phytochemicals of Sida acuta (Burm F.) on Mycoflora of Sorghum: Sida acuta to Control Sorghum Mycoflora
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):515-522.
Jayaramappa NThimappa
Nanjegowda RBabu Haroh
Nanjappa R
Manjunath KMudakappa
Antifungal Activity of Phytochemicals of Sida acuta (Burm F.) on Mycoflora of Sorghum: Sida acuta to Control Sorghum Mycoflora
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):515-522.
Calimon MMikaela Eu
Basilan CCahigas
Pantanilla MNicole Fel
Nogales MLou Pino
Trinidad ERose Duran
Lopez JNathalie N
, et al.
Beyond Blood: Investigating the Clinical Potential of Electrolyte Detection in Tears: A Systematic Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):576-588.
Ramasamy S
Nallasamy S
Sellamuthu A
Srinivasan DPriya
Kumaravel A
Kumaresan S
, et al.
Characteristics of Chitosan-Shellac Based Biocomposite Fabric for Packaging
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):696-707.
Ramasamy S
Nallasamy S
Sellamuthu A
Srinivasan DPriya
Kumaravel A
Kumaresan S
, et al.
Characteristics of Chitosan-Shellac Based Biocomposite Fabric for Packaging
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):696-707.
Meladom SKizheka
Narendhirakannan RThanghavel
A Comparative Study on the in vitro Cytotoxicity and Anti-Cancer Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Derived from Elettaria cardamomum
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):100-108.
Hussain A
Nag S
Ahmed SRizaul Kar
Sarma KJyoti
Das A
Hasan R
Environmental Impact Study through Physico- Chemical and Ichthyofaunal Diversity Analysis in Selected Major Rivers of Barpeta District, Assam
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):620-629.
Calimon MMikaela Eu
Basilan CCahigas
Pantanilla MNicole Fel
Nogales MLou Pino
Trinidad ERose Duran
Lopez JNathalie N
, et al.
Impact of Vaginal Seeding on Microbial Development in Cesarean Births: A Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):589-598.
Maglinao RBalatcopo
Jamito JMikaela Ve
Lim JMari Magso
Manimtim GAnn Lantin
, et al.
In silico Comparative Analysis of the Pathogenicity and Molecular Characteristics of Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):472-480.
Nagesh YRajanna
Mahmood R
Burladinni R
Manjunath VNagenahall
Shivakumar RKumar
In vitro Assessment of Antibacterial Potential of Chrozophora rottleri Fruit Different Extracts against Common Pathogens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):613-619.
Nara R
Tripathi A
Sehrawat N
Sehrawat A
Upadhyay SKumar
Malik K
, et al.
Molecular Characterization of a New Bacterial Source of Naringinase as Paenibacillus stellifer RAMCM-44 and Fermentative Production of Naringinase at Shake-Flask Level
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):168-175.
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