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Sarwer MGolam
Nesa F
Chowdhury AKJilani
Detection of Salmonella Spp. in Pandalus borealis and Chlamys islandica by a Real Time qPCR Method and Partial Validation of qPCR in a Accredited Quality Control (QC) Laboratory of Bangladesh
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2017;6(2):338-350.
Odchimar NMabeth O
Nuñeza OM
Senarath WTPSK
Ethnobotany of Medicinal Plants used by the Talaandig Tribe in Brgy. Lilingayon, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2017;6(1):358-364.
Gharehyakheh S
HosseinElhamirad A
Nateghi2 KVarmira Le
Varmira K
Evaluation of Resistance to Conventional Antibiotics in Medicine by 5 Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from the Stomach of Honey Bee
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2017;6(3):455-458.
Ang AMay Gabule
Nalda CMae Delos
Sabejon SEspinosa
Brine Shrimp Lethality and Antioxidant Activity of the Leaf, Rind and Seed Ethanolic Extracts of Durio zibethinus L.
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2018;7(3):105-111.
Nazir S-Ur-Rashid
Mustafa R
Akhtar N
Sultana M
Mufti Aur Rahman
Ahmad N
, et al.
Depigmenting Efficacy of Commercially Available Skin-lightening Creams: Comparative Analysis and in-vivo Evaluation
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2018;2(3):247-253.
Nazir S-Ur-Rashid
Mustafa R
Akhtar N
Sultana M
Mufti Aur Rahman
Ahmad N
, et al.
Depigmenting Efficacy of Commercially Available Skin-lightening Creams: Comparative Analysis and in-vivo Evaluation
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2018;2(3):247-253.
Nidhi K
Gupta SK
Bura A
Gandhi A
Diversity of Cellulose hydrolyzing bacteria from the Gut of Coptotermes Heimi (Rhinotermitidae)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2018;7(1):28-32.
Alam MMahboob
Al-Fahad AJaman
Nazreen S
In vitro Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Antiprotozoal Activities of Ethanolic Extract and its Various Fractions from Asphodelus fistulosus Seeds
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2018;7(3):81-86.
Ahmad I
Nawaz N
Rahman SUr
Sajid A
Khan FA
Khan SB
, et al.
Multifaceted roles of efflux proteins in prokaryotes
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2018;7(1):1-7.
Barbosa GBatoy
Nueva MCecilia Ya
Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content of Hornstedtia conoidea (Zingiberaceae)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2019;8(1):1-7.
Burham BOmer
Osman OAli
Nour AAbdelhafee
Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Essential oil of Mentha longifolia Leaf from Albaha Area Southern Saudi Arabia
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2019;8(2):48-52.
Mishra R
Jena GSankar Jug
Nayak S
Satapathy KBihari
Mohapatra A
Addition of Six New Genera to the Flora of Odisha: A Report
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(2):260-267.
Neelanarayanan P
Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Coccinia grandis Leaves’ Extracts against Fish Pathogens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(3):424-430.
Nayak S
Nayak D
Parida S
Micronutrient Foliar Spray on Growth Performance of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(2):234-238.
Nayak S
Nayak D
Parida S
Micronutrient Foliar Spray on Growth Performance of Green Gram (Vigna radiata L.)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(2):234-238.
Upadhyay SKumar
Nanware SShamrao
Parasitoses and Histopathological Consequences of Trichuris trichiura (Nematoda: Enoplida) in Rodents, Rattus rattus (Mammalia: Rodentia)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(1):74-78.
Lacorte LHannah
Asis S
Buenaventura JLance
Bulanhagui A
Male RMae
Maniquis KFaith
, et al.
Anti-neurodegenerative Activity of Anthocyanin Extract from Endemic Plant Species in the Philippines: A Systematic Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):245-250.
Kolgi RRamachandr
Karigar CS
Patil SJ
Antioxidant Studies, in vitro Cytotoxic and Cell Viability Assay of Flavonoids and Alkaloids of Leucas aspera (Wild.) Linn Leaves
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(1):165-171.
Nas JSylvester
Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model in Studying Physiological Changes Following Heart Failure
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(3):522-526.
Cosme SJeanne
Agustin MAlysha Nic
Remedios FLouise
Dianko CJedidiah
Ungria F
Villanueva SLoraine
, et al.
Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model Organism for Special Environment
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):258-267.
Nonibala H
Warjri P
Gupta BBansh Pras
Differential Role of cAMP, cGMP, and Ca2+ and Involvement of Kinases and CBP-CREB CRE Pathway in Regulation of Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 mRNA Levels in the Pineal Organ of an Air-Breathing Catfish, Clarias gariepinus
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2021;10(3):642-648.
Lacorte LHannah
Robles JHarbey
Panganiban C
Cajano JVince
Santos JBryan
Ortiz CKyle
, et al.
Effects of Moringa oleifera Leaf Extracts on Lipid Profile of Rats: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(3):549-558.
Nikam C
Sengupta C
Ganesan P
Hepatitis B Viral Load Monitoring Insight Across India: Needs Lucidity on Burden of Silent Killer
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):413-420.
Bawar KMarie
Cruz LPraise
Ilao KBernadette
Justiniano JMica
Panganiban LMae
Fabito DLaine
, et al.
In silico Identification of Novel Compounds as Quorum-Sensing Inhibitors in Selected Waterborne Pathogens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):366-377.
Unnikrishnan L
Tomson M
Nair BM
In vitro Analysis of Heavy Metal Interference in Immune System of Estuarine Black Clam Villoritta cyprinoides (Gray)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2021;10(3):573-581.
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