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Martin SAngeline
Shoba E
Jayakumar S
Asharudheen M
Antidiabetic and Antimicrobial Properties of Leaf and Bark Extracts of Cerbera odollam
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):322-329.
Jayaramappa NThimappa
Nanjegowda RBabu Haroh
Nanjappa R
Manjunath KMudakappa
Antifungal Activity of Phytochemicals of Sida acuta (Burm F.) on Mycoflora of Sorghum: Sida acuta to Control Sorghum Mycoflora
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):515-522.
Mohandoss K
Venugopal V
Sivasubramanian H
Carrageenan-Induced Arthritic Joint Inflammation in Rats: Evaluating the Anti-Arthritic Potential of Phytosomal Cissus quadrangularis Ethanolic Extract
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;14(1):xx-xx.
Mohandoss K
Venugopal V
Sivasubramanian H
Carrageenan-Induced Arthritic Joint Inflammation in Rats: Evaluating the Anti-Arthritic Potential of Phytosomal Cissus quadrangularis Ethanolic Extract
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;14(1):1-14.
Ramasamy S
Nallasamy S
Sellamuthu A
Srinivasan DPriya
Kumaravel A
Kumaresan S
, et al.
Characteristics of Chitosan-Shellac Based Biocomposite Fabric for Packaging
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):696-707.
Mohandoss K
Cissus quadrangularis Phytosomes’ Bioactivity Assessment: Cytotoxic, Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):714-722.
Meladom SKizheka
Narendhirakannan RThanghavel
A Comparative Study on the in vitro Cytotoxicity and Anti-Cancer Properties of Gold Nanoparticles Derived from Elettaria cardamomum
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):100-108.
Monappa NBallachand
Sekarappa B
Density, Abundance and Diversity of Insect Pollinators at Agro-Ecosystems of Kodagu District, Karnataka, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):384-394.
Vedu A
Keren H
Krishnan S
Monica SJane
Perumal A
Exploring the Pharmacological Potential of Pandanus tectorius Floral Extract: An Investigation of its Therapeutic Activities and Bioactive Compounds
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):821-829.
A JSuresh
Punnoose AMathew
Maanvizhi S
Fabrication and Characterization of Ozenoxacin and Curcumin Loaded Electrospun Nanofibre Membrane for Full Thickness Wound Healing: In vitro Assessments
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):860-872.
Janaranjani S
Madhanasundareswari K
Raja K
Formulation of Wound Healing Hydrogel Using Carbon Nanoparticles Synthesized from Piper longum
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):109-119.
Maglinao RBalatcopo
Jamito JMikaela Ve
Lim JMari Magso
Manimtim GAnn Lantin
, et al.
In silico Comparative Analysis of the Pathogenicity and Molecular Characteristics of Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):472-480.
Maglinao RBalatcopo
Jamito JMikaela Ve
Lim JMari Magso
Manimtim GAnn Lantin
, et al.
In silico Comparative Analysis of the Pathogenicity and Molecular Characteristics of Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):472-480.
Maglinao RBalatcopo
Jamito JMikaela Ve
Lim JMari Magso
Manimtim GAnn Lantin
, et al.
In silico Comparative Analysis of the Pathogenicity and Molecular Characteristics of Toxic Shock Syndrome Caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):472-480.
Subramanyam H
Paniyappanavara V
Patil MChandrashe
Jayappa MDoggnal
Melappa G
In vitro Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Dendrophthoe falcata Endophytic Fungal Ribosome Inactivating Proteins
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):738-747.
Nagesh YRajanna
Mahmood R
Burladinni R
Manjunath VNagenahall
Shivakumar RKumar
In vitro Assessment of Antibacterial Potential of Chrozophora rottleri Fruit Different Extracts against Common Pathogens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):613-619.
Nagesh YRajanna
Mahmood R
Burladinni R
Manjunath VNagenahall
Shivakumar RKumar
In vitro Assessment of Antibacterial Potential of Chrozophora rottleri Fruit Different Extracts against Common Pathogens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):613-619.
Singaravel S
Mark JStaines
Gunasekaran S
Jayapal P
Ponnusamy M
In vivo and In silico Evaluation of Flavonoid and Glucosinolate as Aromatase Inhibitor for Assessing Sexual Performance against Cadmium Induced Infertility in Male Wistar Rats
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):748-759.
R NRajasree
Investigating the Anti-Biofilm Ability of Synergistic Drug Coated Urinary Catheters: In vitro Study
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):368-375.
Maddala M
Lingakari M
Bandi S
Methanolic Leaf Extracts of Certain Plants as Larvicides against Teak skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):61-66.
Nara R
Tripathi A
Sehrawat N
Sehrawat A
Upadhyay SKumar
Malik K
, et al.
Molecular Characterization of a New Bacterial Source of Naringinase as Paenibacillus stellifer RAMCM-44 and Fermentative Production of Naringinase at Shake-Flask Level
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):168-175.
Marivignesh R
Hussain MIZahir
Chithaiya P
M. Jameela S
Vijayalakshmi M
Plant Growth Promotion in Solanum lycopersicum through Endophytic bacteria Isolated from Flower of Samanea saman
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):347-352.
Muraleedharan V
Balasubramanian T
Raja K
Preparation of a Forgotten Elixir: Panchagavya and Isolation of GABA Producing Probiotics
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):448-455.
Posadas-Palma G
Castañeda-Antonio MDolores
Portillo-Reyes R
Muñoz-Rojas J
Báez A
Santamaría-Juárez JDeisy
, et al.
Presence of Microplastics and Additives Detected in Digestive Systems of Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Consumed by Humans in Puebla, Mexico
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):630-643.
Jenifer T
Vasanthakumar M
Manoharan K
Protective Effect of Ethanolic Extracts of Ananas Comosus and Vitis Vinifera Against Glucose Induced Cataract in Isolated Goat Lens
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):680-686.
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