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Muruganantham V, Venkateswarlu BSri, Chetty MAnjappa. A Novel Design Chewing Gum of Calcium Ions Isolated from Natural Source. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2022;11(2):346-355.
Murugan S, Raj SML. Purification of recombinant fusion proteins carrying foreign antigens. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2015;4(2):122-131.
Murugammal V, Flora G. Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Red Algae, Characterization and Effect on Beneficial Soil Microbes. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2017;6(1):313-320.
Murthy A, Jagadeeshan V, KJ TSaraswathi. Exploration and Studies of Wild Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Wats. Growing in Devarayana Durga Hill, Karnataka. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2022;11(2):461-467.
Muraleedharan V, Balasubramanian T, Raja K. Preparation of a Forgotten Elixir: Panchagavya and Isolation of GABA Producing Probiotics. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):xx-xx.
Mukherjee K, Raju A. Edible Cutlery – A Prototype to Combat Malnutrition and Plastic Waste Management. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):92-102.
Mudgal M, Khunger S, Kumar S, Sharma M. Isolation of Lactobacilli from Freshly Drawn Raw Milk of Desi and Crossbred Cows of Gurugram Region, Haryana. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):622-627.
MSMT FRMasangk. Increased Detection of Cryptosporidium and Cyclospora spp. Oocysts in a Major Philippine Watershed Following Rainfall Events. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2019;8(3):111-116.
Moslem MNasiri, Lakeh MTavakoli, Lozoumi Z, Issapour F, Irani M. Isolation, Identification of Probiotic Lactobacilli from Traditional yogurts Produced in Rural Areas of Mazandaran province (Northern Iran). Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2014;3(2):133-136.
Moon A, Sahare P, Talreja K. An Insight Into Pathogenesis of Herpes Simplex Virus. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2014;3(2):143-148.
Monica SJane, John S, K S, R M, P A. Evaluation of Antioxidant and Antidiabetic Potential of Crude Protein Extract of Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita maxima L.). Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2020;9(2):152-157.
Mondal B. Cost Effective Essential Oil Extraction from Surplus Betel (Piper betle L.) Leaves. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2022;11(1):100-106.
Monappa NBallachand, Sekarappa B. Density, Abundance and Diversity of Insect Pollinators at Agro-Ecosystems of Kodagu District, Karnataka, India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):xx-xx.
Mohanty A, Mahahlik G, Parida S. Nutritional Analysis of Few Edible Microgreens in Variable Growth Medium using XRF Technique. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(3):360-364.
Mohandoss K, Venugopal V, Sivasubramanian H. Carrageenan-Induced Arthritic Joint Inflammation in Rats: Evaluating the Anti-Arthritic Potential of Phytosomal Cissus quadrangularis Ethanolic Extract. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):xx-xx.
Mohanasundaram K, Devarajan K, Janardhanam HArambakkam. Development and Standardization of a Probiotic-Enriched supplement for CKD. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):507-513.
Mohan R, E SWilliams.. Morphometric Differences between Male and Female Fish Oxyurichthys Tentacularis, Gobiidae (Valenciennes, 1837) from Ashtamudi Lake- Kollam, Kerala. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2016;5(2):207-210.
Mohamed KParveen Pe, Sundaralingam M, Sukumaran A, S C. Insecticidal Effect of Adathoda vasica (Leaf) and Trigonella foenum – Graecum (Seed) Extracts against Mealy Bugs (Maconellicoccus hirsutus) On Hibiscus Rosa sinensis Plant. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):500-506.
Modak D, Kar S, Singh P, Roy SKumar, Bhattacharjee S. A Systematic Review of the Role Played by Aquaporins in the Etiology of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):27-34.
Mitra B, Roy S, Bhaumik S, Roy S, Halder S, Chakraborty A. Current Scenario of Stiletto Flies (Insecta: Diptera: Therevidae) in India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2016;5(3):300-304.
Mitra B, Halder S, Roy S, Bhaumik S. Present Status of Meniscus Midges (Insecta: Diptera: Dixidae) in India. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science. 2016;5(1):88-92.
Mishra R, Jena GSankar Jug, Nayak S, Satapathy KBihari, Mohapatra A. Addition of Six New Genera to the Flora of Odisha: A Report. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2020;9(2):260-267.
Mishra A, Singh A. Chlorpyrifos Effect on Vitellogenin, Ovarian Steroid in Adult and NR5A1 Expression in Fry of the Freshwater Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1794). Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(1):67-75.
Mishra R, Singh AK, V. Vani M, Singh BK, Kumar H, Rajkumar BV. Combining Ability Studies in Elite Breeding Lines of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) for Plant Characters. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences . 2013;2(3):275-278.
Mishra R, Chand PKumar, Satapathy KBihari. New Addition of Twenty Lichen Species to the Flora of Odisha: A Report. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2021;10(2):378-390.
