Antidiabetic and Antimicrobial Properties of Leaf and Bark Extracts of Cerbera odollam

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences,2024,13,2,xx-xx.
Published:September 2024
Type:Research Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Sonia Angeline Martin*, Esther Shoba, Suchithra Jayakumar, Muhammed Asharudheen

Department of Life Sciences, Kristu Jayanti College, K. Narayanapura, Kothanur, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA.


Aim: The study aimed to identify the phytochemical components, antibacterial, antifungal, and antidiabetic activity in methanol and aqueous extract of Cerbera odollam leaves and bark using different testing techniques. Materials and Methods: This research work evaluated the antibacterial and anti-diabetic effects of methanol and aqueous extracts of Cerbera odollam, extracts were generated by drying and extracting the leaf and bark using a soxhlet apparatus. The antibacterial and antifungal activity was determined using the well diffusion method. Results: The antidiabetic role of the plant extracts was analyzed using alpha-amylase inhibition screening assay followed by starch iodine assay. The results were validated with UV-VIS Spectroscopy and FTIR analysis. The methanolic extract of the leaf possesses maximum antibacterial, antifungal, and antidiabetic activity. Conclusion: This study provides new insights and scope to analyze the methanol and aqueous bark extracts of Cerbera odollam for their effective antidiabetic activity.