Species Diversity and Guild Composition of Spiders in Tawi-tawi and Basilan Philippines

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences ,2016,5,1,1-8.
Published:April 2016
Type:Research Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Juzavil V. Juario1,*, Olga M. Nuñeza1, Aimee Lynn B. Dupo2

1Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science and Mathematics, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology, PHILIPPINES.

2Institute of Biological Sciences, Environmental Biology Division and Museum of Natural History, University of the Philippines Los Baňos, College, Laguna, PHILIPPINES.


The study was conducted to determine species diversity and guild structure of spiders inTawi-tawi and Basilan. Opportunistic sampling was conducted using a combination of pitfall trapping, aerial and ground collection, vial-tapping and beat netting methods. Forty-three spider species were documented belonging to 29 genera and 10 families in Tawi-tawi while 28 species under 24 genera and 11 families were recorded in Basilan. The most prevalent family in Tawi-tawi comprising 35% of the overall total spider collected was Araneidae while family Salticidaewas the most widespread family in Basilan with 29% of the total collection. Based on foraging behaviour, spider assemblages were divided into five guildsnamely ambushers, stalkers, orb weavers, foliage runners and space web builders. The orb weavers dominated both areas where they comprised 63% of all the guilds in Tawi-tawi and 53% in Basilan. High diversity index was observed in both areas while Basilan had an uneven species distribution because of the high dominance of orb weavers in the area.