Evaluation of Direct and Residual Effect of Lignite flyash Levels and Press Mud on Sugarcane Based cropping System

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences ,2014,3,2,125-127.
Published:August 2014
Type:Original Research
Author(s) affiliations:

D. Kumarimanimuthuveeral *

Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.


Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the direct and residual effects of lignite flyash at four levels viz., 10, 15 and 20t ha with or without pressmud an agro industrial by product on Sugarcane CoC 95071 during 2011 and 2012. Lignite flyash @ 10t ha⁻¹ with pressmud and RDF exerted a remarkable influence on all the yield attributes, ultimately leading to increased cane yield of 62.5 percent over control. With regard to sole application -1 -1 of lignite flyash, LFA @ 5t ha⁻¹ registered significantly the highest values in cane height (2.7m), No. of tillers clump-1 (4.7), No. of internodes cane -1  (19) and cane yield (19t ha-1) (2010). Hence, from the results, it is concluded that when sugarcane is grown with the addition of press mud @ 12.5 t ha-1 +  LFA@ 5 t ha-1 + RDF is an economically feasible eco friendly approach to realize better returns for sugarcane growers. The same trend was followed in summer 2012 also. Other growth attributes like LAI and Dry matter production were significantly influenced by the same combination during 2011  and 2012 also. LFA @ 10 t ha-1 + Press mud @ 12.5 t ha-1 + RDF greatly enhanced the yield and yield attributes of sugarcane and ratoon sugarcane increased over control for the both seasons respectively.