Asian Journal of Biological and Life sciences, Vol 13, Issue 3 Sep-Dec, 2024

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Research Article

Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot regeneration from leaf explants of E. alba on MS medium supplemented with 15.0 mM NAA and 1.0 M BA C-D. Figure 1: Shoot regeneration of E. alba A-B. Initiation of shoot

Eziah C. San Pascual,Michelle Angelica T. San Jose,Alona Marie C. Santos,Tristan Josef E. Tinte,Jaimie L. Trinidad,Adara Abrianne D. Vidal,Lester John C. Zabala,Reign Chloe C. Zapanta

Asian J. Biol. Life Sci.,13(3):xx-xx
Published: Sun, 22-Sep-2024
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Research Article

Carrageenan-Induced Arthritic Joint Inflammation in Rats: Evaluating the Anti-Arthritic Potential of Phytosomal Cissus quadrangularis Ethanolic Extract

Kiruba Mohandoss,Vijayan Venugopal,Hemalatha Sivasubramanian

Asian J. Biol. Life Sci.,13(3):xx-xx
Published: Sun, 22-Sep-2024
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