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Thangavel N
Assiri AIbrahim
Dighriri BIbrahim
Alnami EMohammad
Adawi NMohsen
Alhazemi NAhmad
, et al.
Mapping the Landscape of Drug Delivery Research with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):204-214.
Thangavel N
Assiri AIbrahim
Dighriri BIbrahim
Alnami EMohammad
Adawi NMohsen
Alhazemi NAhmad
, et al.
Mapping the Landscape of Drug Delivery Research with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):204-214.
Thangavel N
Assiri AIbrahim
Dighriri BIbrahim
Alnami EMohammad
Adawi NMohsen
Alhazemi NAhmad
, et al.
Mapping the Landscape of Drug Delivery Research with a Focus on Artificial Intelligence
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):204-214.
Chauhan P
Attri LK
Mycorrhizal Associations in Orchids: A Review
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):278-286.
Kondal S
Attri LK
Orchid Mimicry: Insight into a Fascinating Floral Phenomenon
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(2):258-265.
Damasco LAlbasin
Arocha VJean Delga
Quilang EBucag
Damole DMatthew Cu
Miones LBenedict E
Saldo IJay Paspe
Rapid Physicochemical Assessment of Kalawaig Creek in Bukidnon, Philippines
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):176-186.
Alvala R
Nayak P
Supriya G
L. Gowd R
Bai BSirisha
Pratibha K
Solubility Enhancement of Lamotrigine by Liquisolid Technique
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(3):792-800.
Pillai DKumary Kun
Kamalabhai SAppukuttan
Amma UVikraman P
Ramasubbu R
Sonerila periyarensis sp.nov.-A new species of Melastomataceae from Kerala, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2024;13(1):67-70.
Kader AAbdul
Azeez A
Mahjabin A
Babu F
Mikacha FMadathil
Shabeena F
, et al.
Antibacterial Activity of Water Soluble and Fat- Soluble Vitamins against Drug Resistance Clinical Bacteria Klebsiella Pneumonia
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):510-515.
Comparative Hematological Profile of Three Species of Schizothorax Group Found in the Streams of Himalayan Region
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):616-621.
Venkatesh HRekha
Alavandi S
Comparison of Tree Species Diversity and Usage by Ratufa indica indica in Umblebyle Range Forest, Bhadravathi Division, Shimoga, Karnataka, India
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):237-244.
Kavitha K
Sindhu G
Porkodi M
Asha KRadha Thay
Veeravarmal V
Vijayalakshmi A
The Effect of High Fructose Corn Syrup on SCC-9 Cells Regulated by G0/G1 Cell Cycle Arrest via Apoptosis Induction
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):386-394.
Vasait RDaulatbhai
Laxman AVanita
Hemant SPooja
Subhash DNeha
Ashok BArchana
Enhancement of Production of Exopolysaccharides from Bacillus Species
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):359-368.
Khassandra SAtheena
Angela RMaria
Jay RNorvin
Renn SRuff
Shanel T
Bryan VJohn
, et al.
Evaluation of Duhat (Syzygium cumini) Leaves as Cytological Stain
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):376-385.
Jahan DAkhter
Lupa STarin
-A-Raushon N
Rahman MHashibur
Ali MZulfikar
Bhadra A
, et al.
Evaluation of the Growth Performance of Spirulina platensis in Different Concentrations of Kosaric Medium (KM) and Papaya Skin Powder Medium (PSPM)
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):435-441.
A SRani J
In vitro Study of Ixora coccinea Fruit Extracts for their Antioxidant and Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activities
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):428-434.
Sukhdeo PGajanan
S. LRahul
Ashok RDadasaheb
Ramsing PSachin
Malacofauna of Village Tanks and Minor SeasonalWater Bodies from Upper Deccan Plateau Ahmednagar Maharashtra
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):369-375.
Amma CSanthakuma
Rajalakshmi R
Morphological and Physiological Responses in Red Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) and Green Amaranthus (Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell.) Under Progressive Water Stress
. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences. 2023;12(1):60-65.
Ajay A
Phylogeny Influences Genome Size and GC but not Sequence and Organismal Complexity in Staphylococci
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):523-529.
Thiagu G
Raja P
Suganthi P
Thilip C
Mehaboob VMusfir
Aslam A
, et al.
Phytosynthesis and Characterization of Curcuma amada Mediated Silver Nanoparticles
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):198-202.
Andharia K
Shilpkar P
Kundu S
Production and Optimization of Exopolysaccharides (EPS) Using Low-cost Bagasse as Substrate by Lysinibacillus macroides
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):54-59.
.Thulasi M
Janardhana K
Aruna C
M. Naik M
A. Naik G
V. Kiran U
Red Grape Seed Extract (RGSE) declines Neuronal and Oxidative Damage in the Brain Regions of Alzheimer’s Induced Wistar Rats.
Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(3):551-557.
Attri LKumar
Studies on Mycorrhizal Associations in an Orchid
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(1):179-186.
Andharia K
Shilpkar P
Shah M
Kundu S
Suitability of Growth Media and Carbon Source for EPS Production by Lysinibacillus macroides
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):271-278.
Gabrielle J
Ricardo J
, et al.
A Systematic Review of the Anti-proliferative Activity of Algae-synthesized Silver Nanoparticles against Cancer Cell Lines
. Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences. 2023;12(2):224-229.
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