The Chemical Constituents and Diverse Pharmacological Importance of Simarouba glauca DC

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences,2024,13,2,xx-xx.
Published:September 2024
Type:Research Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Mariya Angel Augasta Victor Jeyasingh, Venkatesh Rajendran*

Department of Biochemistry, Kongunadu Arts & Science College (Autonomous), G.N. Mills, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.


The evergreen flowering tree Simarouba glauca is indigenous to Florida, the Lesser Antilles, South America, and the United States. Common names for this plant include bitterwood, dysentery barks, Laxmi Taru, and paradise tree. Comestible canvases and top-quality vegetable oils can be produced from seeds. According to the pharmacological review, S. glauca possesses a variety of therapeutic properties, including analgesic, antimalarial, antibacterial, antitumor, antiulcer, and antioxidant properties. The tree has been shown to have a number of chemicals with therapeutic activity. There have been reports that the tree contains numerous significant phyto ingredients with various medicinal use. Hepatoprotective conditioning was seen in the leaves, and the seeds are applied to snake bite injuries. These leaves of the tree have been reported with various pharmacological activities. The present study highlights the numerous properties of the tree parts and clearly defines the research gap that helps the future researchers to conduct various research activities in the tree.