Effect of Aqueous and Ethanolic Pomegranate Peel Extract on Diethylnitrosamine Induced Changes in Hematology and Liver Function in Albino rats

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences ,2014,3,3,212-217.
Published:December 2014
Type:Research Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Sumaiya Mohamed Hassan, Kirubha Palaniswami, Elango Murugan, Sathya Muthu, Rajeshwari Vaduganathan, Sakthi Shree Kumaravelu.

Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Coimbatore 641 018, Tamil Nadu, INIDA.


Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) an ancient fruit, widely consumed as fresh fruit and juice, has been used to investigate its anticarcinogenic effect on the biochemical enzymes, hematological parameters and histology of liver in Diethylnitrosamine (DEN) induced albino rats. Group I served as normal control. Group II and III were given low and high dose DEN for 40 days. Group IV and V were treated with low and high dose DEN + Aqueous pomegranate peel extract. Group VI and VII were treated with low and high dose DEN + Ethanalic pomegranate peel extract.Animals were sacrificed, blood collected and used for analysis of haematological parameters and biochemical enzymes. Liver tissue was taken for histopathology. On comparison with control, the level of SGOT, SGPT and ALPwere significantly increased in all the treatment groups while there was no appreciable change in the level of protein. The number of leucocytes was increased in both DEN treated group while in both the supplementation groups the number of leucocytes were reduced to below control level. The number of RBCs were slightly decreased in the low dose of DEN treated and the both extract supplemented groups. The level of haemoglobin was significantly decreased in all treatment groups. The liver treated with both doses of DEN brought about dilation of the portal tract, degeneration and distruption of heptocytes as well as periventicular infiltration. Supplementation with aqueous and ethanolic pomegranate peel extract brought about occlusion of central vein, congestion of hepatocyte, exhibiting feathery, degeneration and regenerative cellular change.