Forensics: Science of Justice in Pakistan

Asian Journal of Biological and Life Science,2013,2,2,89-91.
Published:August 2013
Type:Review Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Ahmed Farooq, Usman Waheed*

Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN.


The discipline of forensic science is pivotal to the criminal justice system but still considered as a new science in Pakistan and sounds unfamiliar word. The future of Forensics is very bright but requires a lot of efforts from many stakeholders. The major lead should be taken by the universities and research institutions to incorporate this new discipline in their scope of work. At the government level, a few organizations are providing limited forensic services and also minute, isolated contribution of the private sector, with almost insignificant support from universities and research institutes. This brief review discusses the possibility of introduction of a full degree programme in Forensics at a university level.
